Thursday 29 May 2014


Dear readers,

Here we go. I've always loved writing in all forms and here's yet another blog of mine. Purely because I've now started my own business. I've joined in the Forever Living Family and have already found their products FANTASTIC. No wonder they're award winning products!

This blog is about my journey with Forever and I'm determined to try out their every product and blog about it to help others. If not by myself, but with a little help from my friends, family and customers at least.

Now, please excuse me if there are some language errors. I used to be very good in English grammar when I studied it and ever since I moved to England I used to correct my partner's English. BUT now I'm making the same grammar mistakes myself. It can't be avoided? 
Let's add here that I'm originally from Finland <3.

My journey with Forever started less than three weeks ago and I've been mega happy of how easy it has been so far. I have reached my CC goal of the month and actually done better than I expected. I'm proud of myself! But I do have the best sponsor, so the thank yous go to her.

Later I'm going to blog about the following;

-My partner is currently on trial with Aloe Berry Nectar drink + Bee pollen to help his asthma. Asthma kills 30 people in UK every day, so it's not to be taken lightly.
But these products have been found very helpful and some people have been able to come off their meds.

-He is also clearing his eczema on his hands with Propolis Creme, -and it's working which I'm thrilled about! He uses it every night with cotton gloves on.

-I on the other hand am drinking Berry nectar as well and it has cleared my skin superbly already! I did Clean 9 two weeks ago and my skin started to clear up then. I've always had hormonal rash on my forehead and I'm really happy to say it's finally going!

-My mom is about to start drinking Aloe Freedom Gel with Forever Active HA which is promised to do the following:

  • Lubricates the joints and moisturizes skin
  • Unique form of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid
  • Contains beneficial ginger and turmeric root for joint support

  • -I'm also very excited to say I've got an old friend who's agreed to test Royal Jelly, Bee pollen and Gin-Chia for anxiety & depression. 

    STAY TUNED! Exciting times :)

    If you have any questions about the products or business opportunity, please don't hesitate to contact me. Thank you.

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